Medical theory

 Inflow. As a result, it promotes the release of acetylcholine and causes muscle contraction. It causes muscle soreness and reversal of temperature sensation. In Japan, there are no deaths, but it is said that it takes several months to recover from the symptoms.

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c. Saxitoxin

Saxitoxin may be found in the midgut gland of bivalves (mussels, oysters, scallops, etc.). In 1987, 187 people ate shellfish in Guatemala, causing food poisoning and killing 26 people. Recently, poisoning of shellfish has been frequently reported in Asia as well.

The producer of saxitoxin is the dinophyceae plankton (Alexandrium species) that form red tide, and the plankton is taken in and the shellfish is poisoned. Eating the shellfish leads to paralytic shellfish poisoning. The pharmacological action of saxitoxin is almost the same as that of tetrodotoxin, which paralyzes the sensation of the mouth and limbs and causes death from respiratory muscle paralysis. There is no effective cure for paralytic shellfish poisoning.

This poison was also found in the smooth egg crab that lives in the Nansei Islands, and food poisoning due to this poisonous crab is known.

This toxicity is quite strong, it has been internationally registered as a biological weapon, and since 1995, its manufacture and possession have been strictly regulated.

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d. Conus poison

In the shallow waters of the Nansei Islands, cone snails with a conical shell of a large shellfish (7-15 cm) can be seen. This shellfish releases a poisoned radula (like a harpoon) from its snout, stinging a small fish, paralyzing it and catching it. 17 cases of stabbing by this cone snail (Amboina) have been reported in Japan, and 7 people have died.

Conotoxin, a poison of caterpillars, inhibits acetylcholine receptors, sodium channels, and calcium channels at nerve endings at the neuromuscular junction, and the muscles are immediately paralyzed.

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4. summary

Animals produce poisons themselves, such as snakes, bees, and scorpions, and take in and accumulate poisons produced by bacteria and whirlpool algae, such as fish and shellfish, and animals used for prey and defense of prey organisms. There are animals. For slow-swimming fish like blowfish, the poison seems to be used for their own defense and race maintenance. Recently, many new poisons have been found in marine organisms such as sea anemones and Portuguese man-of-war.

In this way, various toxic organisms can be seen around us. Fugu cooked by amateurs and shellfish and crabs caught by themselves cause food poisoning. In addition, sea snakes and jellyfish are inadvertently touched and damaged during recreation and scuba diving on the coast.

Antidote serum treatment is effective for bites caused by protein venoms such as snake venom, scorpion venom, spider venom, and onidalmaokoze venom, but non-protein venoms such as puffer venom are currently available. No antidote is found.

In the case of damage caused by poisonous animals, many people die from respiratory paralysis due to toxins, and it is thought that systemic management centered on respiratory management is necessary to save lives.


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